Malcom McLaren

The casino of authenticity and karaoke

The life and times of cultural icon Malcolm McLaren, exhibited at the ZKM Karlsruhe and the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht. An installation in two parts, firstly the physical remains of Malcolm’s venture into fashion with Vivienne Westwood and their legendary Kings Road shop in 1970’s London. Original T-shirts, salvaged objects and remains from the shop originally called ‘The World’s End’ are positioned in graves to be walked over as true relics of the past. The second part of the installation is to play chapters of Malcolm’s life on a series of fruit machines that beam video fragments and sound bites into the space on the occasion of a winning combination. The machines cover themes such as his private life, scandals, family and friends. His notorious time as manager of the Sex Pistols is well documented. Adventures in music, with himself as singer, are to be seen in extracts from critically acclaimed music videos such as ‘Duck Rock’ and ‘Paris’.